Welcome to my website.
Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Annmarie O'Riordan and I am a singer songwriter from Co. Cork, Ireland. I am an independent artist, with five albums to date. I sing in concert tours throughout Ireland, the UK, Europe, The U.S.A, and Canada. I also sing for weddings and funerals in Ireland.
Le gach dea ghuĂ,
Annmarie O'Riordan's new album is being launched on Friday 16th September 2022 in The INEC Acoustic Club, Killarney, Co. Kerry
NEW SINGLE RELEASED: Do you Hear the Robin Sing?
Le gach-dea ghuí,
Annmarie O'Riordan xXx
I am singing the wonderful song Cooraclare in the clip below :)